
Monday, April 4, 2016

New NVMA Website Will Be Center of Gravity for NVMA Communication

The Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA) is tentatively scheduled to launch its new website shortly after the May 19 Board meeting. Today's blog post kicks off a series of occasional posts that will familiarize you with the new site and its features.

The site will be the center of gravity for NVMA communication and it will include the features and functionality that have been requested by NVMA members.

This initial post on the new website serves as a general overview. In future posts, we will zero in and expand upon each of the areas listed below.  When you sign in to the site, you will see these top-level navigation links:

This is where you will begin your membership, renew your membership, access and edit your personal or company profile on the site, set your communication preferences, access the member directory, view membership benefits and member video testimonials, and connect with the online community that will be created through this site.

This section will outline for you all of your opportunities to become involved with the NVMA and its array of activities, outreach and leadership paths.

An interactive comprehensive calendar of events will be located here. Also, you will be able to register online for events and make all of your arrangements for attending in this section of the website.

You will be able to complete online purchases of sponsorships, advertising, NVMA branded items, services and other items here. The link to the NVMA Classifieds will be located here.

ADVOCACY (Not visible to non-members)
This will be the home for legislative and regulatory matters and member discussions, including a legislative action center.

Housed in this section will be the job postings and professional resources for members.

Here we will provide you with a way to donate online to support scholarships and other philanthropic initiatives.

Here is where you may tap into all of the NVMA's information sources and services, including the blog and the NVMA Vision YouTube Channel.

Please keep an eye out for blog posts throughout April with additional information about the new website.

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