
Thursday, January 28, 2016

NVMA Holds Annual Session With State Senators

In foreground from left, State Sen. Matt Williams, District 36, Lincoln; NVMA President-elect Roy Gehrt, DVM of Lexington; and Vergil Heyer, DVM, of Ainsworth.
The Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA) held its Annual Lunch with the Senators at the State Capitol in Lincoln on Tuesday, January 26, 2016. Twenty-two senators or aides attended, along with the following NVMA representatives: Dr. Ron Wallman, Dr. Lance Roasa, Dr. Drew Olson, Dr. Bruce Brodersen, Dr. Rick Cockerill, Dr. Roy Gehrt, Dr. Al Doster, Dr. Vergil Heyer, VM2 Student Tessa Klein, VM2 Student Andrew Bose, NVMA Executive Director Dina Michel and NVMA lobbyist Michelle Weber.

Dr. Gehrt addressed the senators and aides, welcoming them, thanking them for attending and letting them know that the NVMA is available as a resource to them if they have any questions on issues that affect veterinary medicine.  Dr. Gehrt also thanked State Sen. Mark Kolterman of Lincoln for introducing LB 908, which provides for temporary licenses for veterinary technicians.  Dr. Al Doster gave an update on the UNL Diagnostic Lab progress and the Professional Program of Veterinary Medicine at UNL.

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