
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

NVMA Presenter: Use Both Alternative Therapies and Western Medicine

Dr. Holt works on the painful muscles of a horse.
The Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association brought in Tim Holt, DVM, Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Sciences at Colorado State University; and Jessica Rychel, DVM, emergency veterinarian and physical medicine practitioner at the Veterinary Emergency and Rehabilitation Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado, for 2015 Summer Meeting presentations on Integrative Therapies.

The pair made presentations for both Large- and Small-Animal sessions, demonstrating various therapies on a horse as well as on a number of dogs.

"Altermative therapies -- meaning acupuncture, chiropractic, laser -- all those other things are an important aspect of privtae practice, and they can be used with -- and should be used with -- Western medicine," Dr. Holt said in an interview during a break. "They're not that hard to do," he added. "They (veterinarians) can do it practice starting tomorrow."

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